
How life works out..

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Stop being Judgemental


Stop judging people, you don't even know why are they like that. You don't even know their story. There are many people that are being judge by others, because of their physical appearances, gender preferences, etc. Why are these people like this? Why do they judge to satisfy their selves? Some people who are being judgemental are also called bullies. 


We need to put a stop on bullying. There are many people who commits suicide especially teenagers, and the main reason is bullying. Bullying occurs in school and social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, etc. The main reason why there are some teenagers  being bullied is because of their physical appearance and also their gender preferences. Example, you are lesbian or gay, and all of your classmates make fun of you, laugh at you, call you names and hurting your feelings. They don't even care even if you cry, they just continue on making fun of you. Lesbians are being bullied by straight girls and on the other hand Gays are being bullied by straight boys. Also, there are some reasons why are people bullying someone, it's because of their achievements in life. Let me tell you this, bullies bully someone  who is way smarter than them, better than them and most of all, more appreciated than them. They bully because they don't have the things that you have. Like achievements and REAL FRIENDS and REAL LOVE FROM YOUR FRIENDS and FAMILIES. I too was been bullied at school, some say because of my gender preferences, but I don't care.I don't mind them, they started to bully me even more when they knew that I was a MVP in basketball, black belter in tae-kwon-do and a champion in badminton. Bullies are just jealous, because you have what they DON'T HAVE and they are just being innocent in your life's story. 


Judge over there, judge over here and judging everywhere! Stop it! It's not funny and it's not good! Judging is wrong, you don't even know their real story and what's behind that. You judge people because you know that they can't fight back because they are weaker than you. Well, stop it! YOU'RE NOT A GOD TO JUDGE SOMEONE. You judge people because they're ugly, fat, bald, etc. You judge people because they're lesbian and gay. Why? Because they are not like one of us? Normal people? Is this what you call normal? Judging someone you don't even know the story? You are the one who's pathetic. Even though you know their background or life's story don't judge them, you need to understand them more. Understanding them why have they become like that. You call her slut because she has already a baby? You're wrong she was raped by her own father when she was 14 years old.  You call him fat because he eats alot? You're wrong, he is sick. You call him ugly? Because he has wounds at his face? You're wrong again, it's because he fought for our country. Now let me ask you, is judging RIGHT or WRONG? I leave this question for you to answer it and think about this.